2015年11月2日 星期一

NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog With Scott O'Gallagher (part 2)

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NEW - Off-ball defensive directives and behaviors- If you were a heavy play caller last year, you could have tons of success with simple floppy and off-screen concepts. That is no longer the case because the AI will now get on the hip and chase out shooters such as Redick and Korver. The defense has a complete understanding of pin downs, back screens, cross screens etc.

WINGSPANS – Length is everything in the NBA, so we’re taking full advantage of our “true-to-life wingspans” in NBA 2K16. Players such as Kawhi Leonard and The Greek Freak will defend at the appropriate distances and take the proper containment angles knowing where THEY need to be to contest the shot. NEW - Improved hedge defenders – You should no longer feel like you have to control both the on-ball defender and hedge defender. Depending on the hedge defender's defensive IQ and ratings, he will now drop and take the appropriate containment angles. Turning the corner on a hard hedge or blowing past the post in ICE should be much more challenging this year.

 NEW – Player-specific defensive behaviors & Crowd System – Like Mike mentioned to you earlier, we really wanted to make elite defenders feel special. When you play against a Kawhi Leonard or a Tony Allen, they feel like they’re constantly “bodying” you all night. They wear you down in real life, and they’re going to wear you down in NBA 2K16. We didn’t stop there, different defenders will react differently to particular moves. Be prepared to take what the defense gives you.

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